This is a Volkswagen Type 2 Wheelie bus (WR02) by Tamiya. Painted with Tamiya PS-21 (Park Green) and PS-1 (White). The Girl Scout paint masks were created on a Silhouette Cameo using Oracal 631 (white Repositionable Adhesive-Backed Vinyl). The masks are placed on transfer paper and then applied inside the body shell. I actually do a print of my non-mirrored cuts to regular copy paper first, cut that out and place on the outside with gift wrapping tape to plan out the design and to use as a guide for the vinyl masks. The masks are mirrored from the paper print since they go on inside the lexan body shell. Green is painted first, then white.
This body was an old one that I had coated with liquid mask (a lot of work, I’d use tape and plastic method next time).
The trailer is actually another WR02, being towed backwards. The regular front end of the WR02 has been replaced by an extra set of rear suspension arms and camber links (so it won’t start steering on it’s own). Then an old plastic battery holder has been zip-tied as a link. This also required an extra set of wheels as the WR02 wheels pictured here have hex hubs in the back and round bearing holders in the front. Extra rubber tubing is also needed to prevent the shocks from compressing too far when loaded with cookies. The wooden box is something my wife picked up at Michael’s and I drilled some small holes in it and fastened with fishing line.