Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Look at what UPS just delivered


Tower Hobbies had them in stock AND a $60 off coupon for members AND free shipping… how could I say no? ;) I better finish up my rally car before I can start on this one…

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Boxes… lots of boxes :)


Took a picture off all the Tamiya boxes I have (so far)…

IMG_1422_retouched I passed the “it’s taller than me” mark :)

F104 Rubber tires & wheels

My F104 rubber tires finally showed up from Hong Kong, here’s some updated shots of the different tires for the F104. Please note that I haven’t glued any of my rubber tires to the wheels yet.


F201 Type-A on the left, F104 in the middle, Foams (type A I think) on the right. The top row are fronts, bottom row is rears.

IMG_1428 IMG_1429

IMG_1431 IMG_1430

rear tires on the left, front on the right. left to right: foam, f201, f104

I’m hoping to get my F104 back in working order (after my Formula Tuned motor broke) in time for this weekend or the next so I can try the different tires out on the track…